Friday 10 January 2020

roblox part 3

What did i do: i poliished the path to the big obby, by using "parts" and making a bridge, i made gordons modle kill on touch by using the code from my lava jump, and i crated checkpoints

what did i lean? i leaned how to make checkpoints easier, fist you press ctrl C on the object you want, then you press ctrl D to dupe it, change the team colour and disble nutural  in properties, near the bottom, that will give you a new checkpoint, don't forget to press "change team on touch"
what will i do tomrrow? i will playtest as i have finished, i might tryu and do some fancing coding, but thats going to be redundant as lua is garbo, as its ment for mapping AND EMBEDDING,not making games 

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