Tuesday, 14 January 2020

roblex part 5

whatr did i do todAY?  today i had my friend AIDEN play test my obby, i found some problems but they have been fixed because im a god
these are supposed to spin. but i dont have enough lua knowledge to make anything of this

these lava jumps are too difucult if you have an r16 model

this is a skybox

if you have  no knowledge of games, you might get killed as the torso have a script that kill you on impact

what did i learn?i leaned level design, as i cut of half the obby to make easier, faster, and more enjoyable, as there is less, and there is more unique puzzles, also roblox studio or roblox dont count as games, so you cant use game bar to record or snapshot

what will i do tomrrow, nothing, as this is the lasgt day of work

Monday, 13 January 2020

roblex part 4

what did i do: today i bickered with Gordon and moved some spawn pads around, i learned what a sky box is, and i made moving things more efficiently

i leanred that you can put kill comands inside anything, for roblxian models, you take your kill script and put it inside the torso, so when you touch it you die

what will i do tomorrow, i have posted it so i will play and report on my experiances

Friday, 10 January 2020

roblox part 3

What did i do: i poliished the path to the big obby, by using "parts" and making a bridge, i made gordons modle kill on touch by using the code from my lava jump, and i crated checkpoints

what did i lean? i leaned how to make checkpoints easier, fist you press ctrl C on the object you want, then you press ctrl D to dupe it, change the team colour and disble nutural  in properties, near the bottom, that will give you a new checkpoint, don't forget to press "change team on touch"
what will i do tomrrow? i will playtest as i have finished, i might tryu and do some fancing coding, but thats going to be redundant as lua is garbo, as its ment for mapping AND EMBEDDING,not making games 

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Roblox studio part 2

What Did You Do? I finished off the staring course witch leads into a bigger hodgepodge if peices from the tool box, I learned how to script a starting point, a checkpoint system, and how to model characters

What did I lean? I leaned the tool box is an invaluable piece for new creators leaning to make a game
. That scripting in Lua is a waste of time and should never be mastered. you can acsess the toolbox on the left and it has alot of things you can add to your game

What will I do tomorrow? Tomorrow I plan to add my own flare to it and make 3 postes every day so I will have time to play roblox on the last week and I plan to fix up some bugs and maybe learn a few more pieces of Lua code. i should place checkpoints by placing the spawnpoint in toolbox at the top, and toggle change team on touch, then change the colour below it

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

roblox studio post 1

What did you do? I started my obby and have made 3 obstacles. a guess the path, a simple jump and lava jump. it was really hard as it required scripting using the garbage known as lua, this will be tough. To make the jump, pick "peice" in the tool bar at the top, the using scale, strch it out to the way you want it to be, same for guess the path and lava jump, but you have to use lua for lava jump so it kills you. toggle "can collide" in the blocks that you will use for guess the path so you can fall through it. (or put the code from the lava jump in the peice)

What did you learn? i have learned how to script, the lava jump to be specific using lua because roblox uses it, i serched a video and spent 30 mins typing it out fixing errors 
What will you do tomorrow? tommorow i plan to develope more advanced obstacles( by using the toolbox and internet for help), i will make a bridge using peices and i will make a puzzel using gordons model, by using a plug in found in the roblx store for free