Thursday 12 December 2019

Game Journalism Day 4 -the little things

Game Journalism Day 4

the little things

What did you do?

  • Tell a story - a story with pictures especially about when you found (or made) these little things:

me and gordy were serching for wobbleheads and we came across this cave at the old mans house

i didnt have a noise maker so i made one to fufill my job

my wobble head collection

i did the old mans quest twice then shot him

i found a wobble head of a skelington

i t-bagged him 40 times

i wanted to make a funny gif

What did you learn?

  • i have gotten better at aiming, but otherwise nothing new
  • wait for the seeker to move his head to left so ist easier to shoot

What is your plan for tomorrow?

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