Thursday 5 December 2019

desret skies day 1

What TYPE of game is this?

This game is sort of like raft, your in a deserted world with and enemy called the "seeker" and you have a raft with a ballon on it to fly around and escape the seeker. its a survival/"horror"/builder game.

What did you do yesterday to win the game?

to win the game... i don't know yet, it startes with you abbandoned in the desert with no human in sight, you get enough materials to power your raft and you fly from town to town collecting materials, i started by getting the nacesitys, crafting bench, and a smelter. i plan to build a gun to kill the seeker 

Explain what you see and how to play the game.

i see desert. thats about it, deserts and lizard people. you gather maetrials using and axe and pickaxe, you use the maeer to build your ballon base, and you fly between towns gathering said materials, the main materials are, wood, stone, fiber. you can use this stuff for tools, builds, and tables to build stuff

SIX- screenshots 
steel axe, found in third town
dead body found at the start of the game

charging seeker for the first encounter with stone axe, didnt go so well
crafting bench, one of the most important part of desert skies
  • second town/import building, found bucket for smelter

    first town after starting journey

    What is your plan?
my plan is to build a gun to kill the seeker, first ill need to get the parts for a gun, but i needd to upgrade my base and cleect resources, so for now, im collecting fiber, wood stone, and iron

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