Tuesday, 24 September 2019

shapea prt 2

un shapea


-I have leanred how to make shapes, the important part is renaming the turtle to one or 2 letters so its easier to type out,
-use "for i in range" to make the code neater and sort it more efficently

Thursday, 19 September 2019

pyro fox



mah boogati 

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

tachanka doctor part 2

2.0 1) get all parts, cut out useing "w" tool
2)erase right arm using "s" tool (alt on background)
3)make everything pink, (under layers is a circle, after "w" tool and selcted parts, click cricle then colour balcance)\
4) trim using eraser tool to look nice
5) blur and burn everything

layers skill

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

tachanka doctor part 1

tachanka doctor
doctor               1)find pictures
2)cut out head using "w" tool
3)make new layer
4)put head on body
5)get hammer
6)line up hammer
7) use "w" tool to select hammer head
then click "colour balance" and make pink
8) erase handle  near hand
9) use burn tool on hammer
10) same for badge
11)cut right hand with "w" tool
12) erase left hand
13) flip right hand and put on left wrist
14) blur wrist
15)add scythe
16) erase bit covering hand
17) don't forget to use burn
18) done

layers               skill

Monday, 16 September 2019


spider self taught
spider kid Zackeryreibelt 1)find pictures
2)cut out head using "w" tool
3)make new layer
4)line up head
5)use "s+alt" to take picture of skin
6)cover face in fur
7) blur edges with the water drop
8) pretend your skilled
layers skill

Wednesday, 11 September 2019


big boy frog 1)find pictures
2)cut out head using "w" tool
3)make new layer
4)line up head
5)use "s+alt" to take picture of skin near eye
6)cover up eye
7)turn croc green
8)turn mouth green
9)use burn tool to to make shadow
10) blur edges with the water drop
11) pretend your skilled
layers skill